Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Bachelor Party Part Deux

Since Mark (my "Best Man" - and I use the term lightly) can be a bit flaky. My recommendation is to call and bug his ass as much as possible.

He's already sent out a number of emails- so check your SPAM filters for it... and get back to him with whether you're coming or not.

If you haven't heard from him, call him or email him.

Here is all his contact info:

Mark Axelson
1 (949) 370-5209�

Thursday, March 06, 2008


My participation in the event of the decade is questionable.
Was this foreseeable?
I am I just living up to standard?

I have a family reunion the next weekend elsewhere in California.
I don't think I can swing both trips.

And I think my family (my nuclear family, brothers and father) has gotten together exactly twice in the last 12 years.

So, eh. . .

We shall see.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bachelor Party

Hey, ya dill holes-
My best man, Mark, is organizing my shindid. He'll be emailing all ya'll about it.
We're gonna rent a lake house at Lake Nacimento, just outside Paso Robles, April 18-21.

I figured if any you guys want to fly in for it, can cruise into SB and catch a ride with Sam, Jon, or Casson (if they decide to come) or fly into SJC and catch a ride with Jack (if he decides to come) or one of the chase trucks.

The other option is to fly into SJC, rent a bike for the weekend, and ride down with a bunch of us crazy bikers easyriders style, and hopefully avoid the hillbillies with shotguns.

We'll have one, if not two, ski boats, with all the accouterments to send you home with sore legs and arms with a nice hang over.

It's gonna be a weird mix of dudes... Most of my "biker" friends are very mellow- but do lean toward the stereotype. They like to get drunk and fight, and sometime partake in adult substances... don't know if they will, or if they'll even come, but just fair warning.

Monday, February 25, 2008

"Seriously, I'm not bummed at all, you jerk."

-Marina Rae Trejo, about a minute and a half ago after giving me a hard time for not planning on bringing her to the wedding.

Anyhow, when is this thing going to be?
May something, right?

I am trying to figure out my ticket situation and when other people are planning on flying in (if flying there will be.)
I'd like to coordinate if there will be any pick up drop off, or if I have to rent a car from San Jose or so.

Looking forward to seeing Derol get whacked.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Monday, February 04, 2008

Suck one...

Our man comes through again.

Thursday, January 03, 2008


Alright kids... I need Addresses-

I got Your's Benji (and Sam's...) so, I suppose posting this here is fruitless considering its you me, and sometimes Jack. Much like "Y".

Todd isn't invited.

Just kidding Todd.
You're only invited if you send me your address.

And someone get me Casson's info.
Also, Jon's.